The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 175: How To Build A ROUTINE You’ll ACTUALLY Stick To!: Navy Seal Jocko Willink
In this moment, former Navy SEAL officer, Jocko Will...
Aug 16 2024 8m
Chapter 1 14 sec
orChapter 2 4 mins
a.m. every day. According to Jocko, there is no universal approach to establishing a new morning routine, and instead it is about finding what works best for you. While some people are early risers, others prefer to wake up later in the morning, and the best approach is to choose the routine that you can consistently maintain. The same principle applies to creating and sustaining an exercise routine, although Jocko recommends exercising in the morning to start your day in the right direction. Although Jocko has mastered consistency in his morning and exercise routine, he acknowledges that perfection isn’t the goal. Instead, you should embrace imperfection and focus on creating consistency and discipline in your life