Join the Rooted in Retail Mastermind: Resilient Toge...
Dec 1 2024 31m
Chapter 1 2 mins
The low hanging fruit retailers can target with inventoryChapter 2 57 sec
How fast retailers should be able to pay off their inventoryChapter 3 2 mins
Best practices for a healthy inventory and profit growthChapter 4 3 mins
Carrie’s favorite way for retailers to move inventory that’s not sellingChapter 5 4 mins
The coolest move Carrie’s spotted a retailer make lately that paid offChapter 6 3 mins
Practical advice for indie shop owners to navigate their financials with easeChapter 7 2 mins
The best tool for retailers to manage their financesChapter 8 5 sec
Carrie's resilience roundChapter 9 38 sec
Best business bookChapter 10 50 sec
Best retail technologyChapter 11 53 sec
How do you keep up with the ever changing retail landscape?Chapter 12 48 sec
What's an inventory management foundational best practice?Chapter 13 1 min
If you had to start your business all over again, what's one thing you would do differently?Chapter 14 2 mins
What do you think the future of independent retail looks like?