ENCORE: The Real Cost of Cheap Food
Over the last 100 years, we have streamlined the pro...
Jul 31 2024 1h 12m
Chapter 1 1 min
Understanding the difference between soil and dirt: "If soil could talk to us, what would it be saying right now? Feed me. Rest me. Water me. Feed me. Rest me. Water me. I'm a living, breathing organism just like you. And by the way, you depend on me for life."Chapter 2 9 mins
Jeff's journey into regenerative agriculture and the role of the Rodale InstituteChapter 3 1 min
How we became disconnected from nature and our foodChapter 4 49 sec
Who feeds the world?Chapter 5 3 mins
A deep dive into the extractive farming system and the need for sustainable agricultural practicesChapter 6 3 mins
Unraveling the incentives that have shaped our agricultural systemChapter 7 4 mins
The various faces of agriculture: sustainable, regenerative, and organic regenerativeChapter 8 2 mins
The cost of organic food and the unseen cost of not eating organicChapter 9 7 mins
“Agriculture is the great healer of our time”Chapter 10 3 mins
Policy changes that could revolutionize farming and an overview of the Pennsylvania State Farm BillChapter 11 10 mins
The challenge of organic food fraudChapter 12 21 mins
How changing our understanding of food production could reduce polarization: “It starts with gratitude...when we begin to see our brother and sister through food, we're creating a metaphorical table. We're actually sitting down at a table every moment of every day here in this country and hopefully around the world."