ENCORE: Democracy Interventions with Prof. Robb Willer
What are the psychological forces driving that parti...
Jul 16 2024 1h 28m
Chapter 1 1 min
Robb’s backgroundChapter 2 12 mins
The growth of polarization and partisan animosityChapter 3 7 mins
The Strengthening Democracy ChallengeChapter 4 7 mins
Negative partisanship and support for undemocratic candidatesChapter 5 2 mins
How cues from leaders can reduce support for anti-democracy candidatesChapter 6 5 mins
Working together and respectfully discussing differences reduces partisan animosityChapter 7 8 mins
Misperceptions about how how you’re viewed by members of another party fuels animosityChapter 8 6 mins
Is there hope for overcoming animosity and acceptance of undemocratic candidates?Chapter 9 6 mins
How to implement these ideasChapter 10 28 mins
The role of emotions in decision making