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May 3 2016 1h 27m
Chapter 1 1 min
Open Sky Fitness IntroductionChapter 2 1 min
Opening Remarks by Rob andDevonChapter 3 4 mins
A new book giveaway for Mind YourBody: 4 Weeks to a Leaner, Healthier LifeChapter 4 16 mins
Gym Etiquette Tips: How toapproach the gymChapter 5 1 min
Intro to Dr. CharlieWeingroffChapter 6 5 mins
Have you always had astrong presence in the world of strength fitness?Chapter 7 6 mins
Were you always interested inworking in the field of physical therapy? How did you get into thiscareer?Chapter 8 8 mins
Charlie explainshis Training=Rehab,Rehab=Training program. How can I train when I'm in pain?Chapter 9 4 mins
Is it a good idea to doboth the first and second course of Functional MovementScreening ?Chapter 10 5 mins
What are the most commonproblems for people who have poor mechanics? How can people improvetheir technique with the Functional Movement Screening?Chapter 11 2 mins
Sometimes your pain can besomething medically very serious and you can't deny itChapter 12 1 min
Why it's important tounderstand what your qualification process is in order to be ableto move to the next fitness stepChapter 13 2 mins
Why it's a personaltrainer's duty to help a client seek out another professionalfor mobility issues. Why it's a professional's duty to outsourcemedical help for their clientsChapter 14 13 mins
Listener's questions:What can I do to improve my hip's iliade bursitis? What isCharlie's recommendation?Chapter 15 5 mins
What's the best route totake to find a doctor, physical therapist, or chiropractor?Chapter 16 2 mins
How to get in touchwith Charlie Weingroff and Drive 495Chapter 17 2 mins
Closing Remarks by Rob andDevonChapter 18 39 sec
Open Sky FitnessClosings