OG Eddy Lepp Show
Episode 4 – Patrick Goggin
Patrick Goggin is a Senior Attorney at Hoban Law Gro...
Sep 24 2019 1h
Chapter 1 56 sec
Eddy starts showChapter 2 19 sec
Damon welcomes guests & introduces Patrick GogginChapter 3 34 sec
Patrick will be keeping us updated on hemp news and updatesChapter 4 59 sec
Patrick is reinvigorated and is ready to keep us updated and let us know what is on deck and coming ahead, since as of December 20, 2018 we have re-legalized growing Hemp in the United StatesChapter 5 39 sec
Eddy talks about his best friend who passed Jack Herer, the author of the Emperor Wears No Clothes. He also speaks about how Jack is probably up in Heaven explaining to God and everyone about the benefits of hempChapter 6 49 sec
Eddy talks about sending copies of the Emperor Wears No Clothes to Washington DC and how Jack’s book is the only book of its kind ever entered into the library of congress and it was entered in its entiretyChapter 7 1 min
Eddy speaks about writing the initiative with Jack Herer in 2008 and how it almost got on the ballot. Everything was done with volunteers, they could inspire people and they didn’t need to spend millions of dollars to get things done back then, but things have changedChapter 8 52 sec
Patrick speaks about new technology and how things will be changing, we are just beginning to break the surface and understanding how hemp can be usedChapter 9 1 min
Right now kelp is the number one plant used in products. Kelp is in about 1500 products and it’s been said that if we had the same freedom to experiment with hemp and cannabis it would probably be in over 2500 products in the next three yearsChapter 10 1 min
We lost all of our knowledge and we stopped studying, we let the world get ahead luckily a number of countries decided to go a different route, China being one of them. Canada also passed a hemp law and they have been growing hemp for the last 20 years. Patrick estimates we are going to surpass Canada’s production in the next three yearsChapter 11 1 min
Eddy explains that when farmers realize they can plant a hemp crop in their off season, that will grow in most climates, and they can plow that back into the ground and it cuts down on their fertilizing and everything else by about 50% it is going to be getting planted all over the place not only for cbd and fiber but also to regenerate the soil. Cannabis is the only plant in the world that gives back more to the planet than it takes outChapter 12 1 min
Eddy explains how hemp is used for soil remediation at Chernobyl and how they are using it to clean the soil and how these are some of the things we are trying to educate people about. This plant is so much more than people think it. There are truly very few people in the cannabis industry that are totally aware of all the uses for this plantChapter 13 44 sec
Patrick explores fear mongering and how hemp is not a thc product. Hemp is non intoxicating but are full of many cannabinoids that do things that we are just beginning to scratch the surface ofChapter 14 1 min
Damon reminisces about going to local county meeting and it was very enlightening to the human condition. To hear the way cannabis farmers were talking about hemp farmers, making blanket statements. He hopes through the podcast people will understand this is our right. Let’s communicate, we can respect each other and co-existChapter 15 29 sec
We can work to implement responsible hemp productionChapter 16 2 mins
Patrick tells a story about a seed seizure caseChapter 17 45 sec
In 2001, the office of National Drug Control Policy sent a one page memo, or at least a cover page, and then a justification and actually the proposed rule they basically said Hemp hype is the stocking horse for marijuana we need to snuff it out while it’s out there because we can not let the camels foot under the tent and blow the whole door open. Well as it turned out, we actually defeated the process of them trying to ban hemp foodsChapter 18 1 min
History outlining the way hemp was stigmatizedChapter 19 25 sec
Patrick goes on to say eventually everybody needs to calm it down and realize that we& all working together to free up a plant that has been inappropriately locked downChapter 20 27 sec
Damon brings up the big argument. Their big argument is we paid all this money in taxes and the hemp guys didn& pay anything. Damon agrees as a cannabis farmer the taxes are ridiculous, but let& work on changesChapter 21 52 sec
Eddy brings up the new initiative, and how back in 2008 Jack Herer and Eddy wrote and initiative for the full legalization of cannabis and they almost got it on the ballot. Unfortunately Eddy was sent to prison within a few months of the election and Jack passed away within a few months of Eddy going to prisonChapter 22 1 min
Eddy speaks about his last conversation with Jack from prison and the promise that he made that he would do everything he could as long as long as he drew a breath to make Jack’s dream come true. When Linda Senti died in his arms he made her the same promise. And when he held Dennis Peron in his arms and he died the following day and he made him that same promise. And so he rewrote the initiative when he got out of prison and in the last six months he& been working on it and what he hopes to do is level the playing field & if you& going to charge $35,000 for water use permits, bring me proof that the walnut orchard, the lettuce farmer, and the cherry trees all paid the sameChapter 23 19 sec
Ed speaks about how the new initiative includes criminal repercussions for anybody in the government that goes against the wishes of the initiative. If they try to introduce legislation that will override or nullify that is a criminal offence and they must serve time, if they are charged they lose all immunityChapter 24 42 sec
Patrick brings up when proposition 64 went in, it slightly amended the hemp statute that was passed in 2013 and how they just need a supermajority. Eddy goes on to explain that the new initiative would nullify prop 64 and completely and totally level the playing field at the farmer level. We will be treated the same as any other farmerChapter 25 56 sec
Banned by counties and cities that& done they can& do that. You cannot deprive a citizen of a city or a county a state right. Who the hell do these people think they are. That& a state right and they cannot take it away from usChapter 26 2 mins
Eddy explains why proposition 215 was so simple. It was short and sweet, one page so that patients dying of AIDS can get the help they needed. He then goes on to tell a story about his friend and how even her small child could understand proposition 215Chapter 27 59 sec
Patrick speaks about how interesting how cannabis policies are changing. In Washington D.C., it feels like we are in the 80s when it comes to cannabis/hemp policyChapter 28 24 sec
Even Thailand is opening up for hemp/cannabis cultivation. That’s significant in AsiaChapter 29 49 sec
It’s time to start telling our children the truth. Throw away reefer madnessChapter 30 1 min
Patrick talks about his son wanting to see the evidence behind cannabis fear-mongering. He talks about the importance of being careful of what we put into our bodies while our brains are still in developmentChapter 31 1 min
Eddy brings up a survey done in Jamaica about children’s exposure to cannabis and what the outcomes wereChapter 32 29 sec
Patrick talks about how doctors aren’t trained on the endocannabinoid system in medical schoolChapter 33 1 min
Eddy outlines the history of why cannabis is illegal, focusing on the pharmaceutical and modern medicine industriesChapter 34 59 sec
Patrick’s brother (who is also a doctor) discovered an article in the New York Times discussing women, physical activity, and the endocannabinoid system. Now he’s ready to explore these connectionsChapter 35 1 min
Patrick talks about how when humans encounter tremendous amounts of stress, DMT is naturally released into our systemsChapter 36 1 min
Pharmaceutical companies are creating drugs based on CBD, but the FDA refuses to acknowledge the safety and treatability of certain disorders/illnesses with the natural plantChapter 37 2 mins
Eddy tells a personal story about a friend who discovered using cannabis products for his own health benefits, and went on to become a cannabis defense lawyerChapter 38 2 mins
Patrick talks about how he’s committed a lot of his career to legalizing hemp. It was a result of being a history major at UCSB, and reading The Emperor Wears No ClothesChapter 39 1 min
Patrick says federal hemp legislation has been aided by Senators Mitch McConnell, and Rand PaulChapter 40 2 mins
Patrick points out that the difference between cannabis and hemp is based on arbitrary guidelines, and it’s something that needs to change. As well as the previous criminal provision that’s preventing people from participating in the industry, yet we have social equity programs that allow previous cannabis criminals to participate in the cannabis industry. Does expungement work?Chapter 41 1 min
A point of interest to keep an eye on: will THCA ever become a test point for hemp production? It can become a real issue when transporting CBD flowerChapter 42 1 min
Patrick says the states are laboratories for our nation. When it comes to federal hemp laws, the states are paving the way on how to handle hemp processing. Bring up how Virginia is handling hemp vs. cannabisChapter 43 1 min
Eddy and Patrick discuss President Trump’s approach to federally legalizing cannabisChapter 44 13 sec
Eddy gifts Patrick a piece of personal art he made for PatrickChapter 45 44 sec
Eddy introduces Elise “Hollywood” Evans, a future co-host who will help Eddy explore important areas of popular culture and cannabisChapter 46 59 sec
Elise speaks about how excited she is to work with Eddy Lepp, and how it’s a blessing to be learning more about cannabis and hemp, and their practical usesChapter 47 59 sec
Elise’s mom’s quality of life was greatly improved while she was fighting cancer. She is now caring for her father with prostate cancer, and dementiaChapter 48 19 sec
Eddy thanks Patrick for his time, and the learning experience through conversationChapter 49 19 sec
Damon closes out the showChapter 50 24 sec
Eddy says the only way to change the world is through knowledge, education, truth about cannabisChapter 51 54 sec
Patrick says he is honored to sit with Eddy. Patrick has worked tirelessly over the years to prevent people from being incarcerated over cannabis. He apologizes for Eddy having to go to prison for soldiering the cannabis causeChapter 52 19 sec
Eddy says he would go to prison again to make sure we continue to make progress in cannabis legislationChapter 53 3 mins