Colin Hunter is the Chief Executive Officer of Poten...
Nov 15 2021 48m
Chapter 1 7 mins
Aviv introduces today’s guest, Colin Hunter who shares his background, speaks to what he enjoys most about his work and explains why he considers himself a ‘work-in-progress’Chapter 2 1 min
Colin talks about the phenomenon of ‘Squirrelling’Chapter 3 3 mins
The Hero’s JourneyChapter 4 2 mins
The Three ‘C’s: Core practices from Colin’s bookChapter 5 4 mins
Building deeper layers of self-insightChapter 6 1 min
The Heathrow Airport exampleChapter 7 7 mins
Colin opens up about a breakdown he experienced when he was thirtyChapter 8 2 mins
The important role mentors have played in Colin’s personal and professional developmentChapter 9 6 mins
Why we must create a playground atmosphere at workChapter 10 3 mins
Colin recalls a situation where he was compelled to exercise courageChapter 11 3 mins
How Colin defines a tough conversationChapter 12 1 min
Advice Colin would give to his twenty-five-year-old selfChapter 13 1 min
The two insights Colin values above all elseChapter 14 2 mins
Final words of wisdom from Colin