Tom Chiarella is the CEO and Founder of Resonance AI...
Oct 13 2021 55m
Chapter 1 10 mins
Aviv introduces today’s guest, Tom Chiarella who shares what he enjoys the most about his work and why and the problems that Resonance AI is trying to solveChapter 2 2 mins
Who are Resonance AI’s customers?Chapter 3 2 mins
The three ‘Power’ scores: Drawing, Holding and StayingChapter 4 5 mins
Complex functionalities that AI is close to solvingChapter 5 4 mins
Tom speaks to the incredible work they’re doing at Resonance AIChapter 6 5 mins
Tom’s entrepreneurial origin journeyChapter 7 4 mins
Mentors who have impacted Tom throughout his careerChapter 8 2 mins
The road to co-founding a companyChapter 9 4 mins
Key lessons Tom learned from his time at QuestraChapter 10 7 mins
Critical insights Tom has gleaned as a leaderChapter 11 1 min
Advice Tom would give to his twenty-five year old selfChapter 12 1 min
The two insights Tom values above all elseChapter 13 2 mins
Final words of wisdom from Tom