Aaron Hurst is the CEO and co-founder of Imperative,...
Sep 14 2021 59m
Chapter 1 7 mins
Aviv introduces today’s guest, Aaron Hurst who shares what he enjoys the most about his work and why and the inspiration to launch the Taproot FoundationChapter 2 3 mins
The insight that catalyzed ImperativeChapter 3 2 mins
Core principles of Purpose Inquiry and DiscoveryChapter 4 5 mins
Purpose, meaning and fulfillment and the significance of happiness and joyChapter 5 2 mins
Cultivating a purpose mindset and the religious and spiritual aspects of purposeChapter 6 6 mins
The peer coaching process explainedChapter 7 2 mins
Imperative’s business modelChapter 8 1 min
Promoting and encouraging authenticityChapter 9 1 min
Aaron speaks to how he’s been changed through the experience of launching ImperativeChapter 10 5 mins
Aaron’s entrepreneurial origin journeyChapter 11 4 mins
Aaron’s creative processChapter 12 2 mins
Aaron speculates on how the world of work will change in the coming decadeChapter 13 9 mins
How to address gaps in purpose and connectionChapter 14 49 sec
Advice Aaron would give to his twenty-five-year-old selfChapter 15 59 sec
The two insights Aaron values above all elseChapter 16 1 min
Final words of wisdom from Aaron