Jon Herlocker is the Founder and CEO of Tignis, a co...
Jul 13 2021 1h 3m
Chapter 1 10 mins
Aviv introduces today’s guest, Jon Herlocker who speaks to what he enjoys the most about his work and his experience enabling others to achieve extraordinary breakthroughsChapter 2 4 mins
Jon tells the story of where his fascination with giving people vision startedChapter 3 9 mins
Jon shares the origin story of Tignis, the initial problem he set out to solve when he launched and how Tignis has evolved since thenChapter 4 2 mins
Jon speculates on when we might have fully autonomous industrial plantsChapter 5 2 mins
Jon explains Industry 4.0Chapter 6 2 mins
How Jon addresses concerns that automated plants will lead to social challenges such as job lossChapter 7 3 mins
Aviv and Jon discuss the Overshoot Undershoot Syndrome and Jon provides an interesting Control Systems analogyChapter 8 4 mins
Jon expounds on common misconceptions that people have about machine learning and artificial intelligenceChapter 9 5 mins
Jon speaks to his entrepreneurial origin storyChapter 10 4 mins
Jon shares the top lessons he’s learned throughout his careerChapter 11 2 mins
Core management practices that Jon established in his companyChapter 12 2 mins
Aviv breaks down The Four Stages of Adult LearningChapter 13 2 mins
How Jon continues to learn and evolve as a CEO and a leaderChapter 14 2 mins
Advice Jon would give to his twenty-five year old selfChapter 15 1 min
The one insight Jon values above all elseChapter 16 2 mins
Final words of wisdom from Jon