Better Business Founder
Tweaking your Mind and your Life with more Tankespjärn by Helena Roth
The Creative’s Workshop and tankespjärn (2:56) That...
Aug 5 2020 58m
Chapter 1 7 mins
The Creative’s Workshop and tankespjärnChapter 2 5 mins
That pivotal moment when Helena discovered the concept of tankespjärnChapter 3 8 mins
Doing gentle with an edgeChapter 4 3 mins
How does this serve me?Chapter 5 2 mins
Who is tankespjärn for? (Chapter 6 4 mins
How Helena uses tankespjärn in her work?Chapter 7 3 mins
Tankespjärn applied to the development of a businessChapter 8 5 mins
The benefits of a tankespjärn review of the business as it is constantly evolvingChapter 9 3 mins
To find out more about Helena and tankespjärnChapter 10 3 mins
There is no Truth [time capsule question]Chapter 11 7 mins
My recent tankespjärn moment