Achievement Oriented
Games of the Year, 'Gorogoa,' and 'The Last Jedi' (Ep. 67)
In an extra-long, year-ending episode, The Ringer's ...
Dec 29 2017 2h 17m
Chapter 1 1 min
In an extra-long, year-ending episode, The Ringer's Ben Lindbergh and Jason Concepcion discuss Ben's VR Christmas giftChapter 2 3 mins
Then they bring on indie designer Jason Roberts to explain how he conceived of and created the new hand-drawn narrative puzzle game 'Gorogoa'Chapter 3 3 mins
before welcoming Ringer colleagues Justin Charity and Matt James for a roundtable debate about the best games of 2017, which they share via four personal top 10 lists and an overall combined rankingChapter 4 2 hrs 8 mins
And finally they wrap up with an in-depth exploration of the highs and the lows of 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' and the future of the Lucasfilm franchise