Jase Avec Moi
Welcome to Jase avec Moi!
A bilingual (EN/FR), pan-African podcast that highlights the lives and stories of young African professionals.
Drops every Wednesday ;)
Personal Journals
#025 - Michaella on Living a Life of Impact
Hello beautiful people! So this is my last episode f...
May 6 2020 1h 7m
Chapter 1 5 mins
On why I always center my interviews around the third culture kid (TCK) identity, and whether I identify as a TCK or notChapter 2 4 mins
On curiosity and the different paths that life takes us on, and how I would have never thought that I would one day work for a tech company because I wasn’t an engineerChapter 3 12 mins
On how my failures have taught me to be adaptable, and how I almost moved to KenyaChapter 4 5 mins
On how I accepted an entry level job, with the goal of changing roles once I had my foot in the doorChapter 5 5 mins
On how unconscious bias showed up as I started in my new role, and my attempt to fit inChapter 6 7 mins
How I chose a mentor to guide me, give me a different perspective of the workplace, and to help my attempt at moving internallyChapter 7 10 mins
Why I started the podcast out of feeling isolated in the workplace, even though I’m not making money from itChapter 8 11 mins
Learnings from running a podcast, and what I will explore going forward
#024 - Reflection on Season 1 and Roundup Best Episodes
Hello beautiful people! I wanted to check in this we...
Apr 29 2020 32m
#023 - Aissa Sur Son Amour de l’Afrique et Comment le Partager de l'Entreprise à l'Histoire
Cette semaine je parle avec Aissata Sylla, une jeune...
Apr 22 2020 1h 5m
Chapter 1 7 mins
Aissa s’introduit, nous parle de son enfance, et ce qu’elle a appris des différents déplacements dans sa vie de la Côte d’Ivoire, au Togo, Cameroun, et l'Afrique du SudChapter 2 16 mins
Pourquoi elle a choisi Montréal pour ses études, et ce qui l’a poussée à cofonder la Desautels African Business Initiative la première conférence sur le monde des affaires en Afrique, organisée par des étudiants, au CanadaChapter 3 3 mins
Ce qui l’a finalement poussée à rester à Montréal au lieu de rentrerChapter 4 8 mins
Comment elle a profité d'un des avantages de sa compagnie, un programme pour aller en mission à l'étranger, pour faire un projet en Côte d’Ivoire et s’essayer au retour en AfriqueChapter 5 11 mins
Les leçons apprises, l’adaptation à un nouveau contexte de travail, et le plaisir d'être chez soiChapter 6 6 mins
Ce que Korofolie veut dire en Malinké, et l’intention derrière le blog: présenter différentes facettes de l'AfriqueChapter 7 9 mins
Conseils à l’Aissa d’il y’a 5 ans, la vision des 5 prochaines années, et pourquoi elle a choisi Mansa Aissa comme son nom sur Instagram
#022 - Lynda sur le Multiculturalisme: Accepter Où Nous Sommes et Qui Nous Sommes
Cette semaine, j’ai l’honneur de parler avec Lynda E...
Apr 15 2020 50m
Chapter 1 3 mins
Lynda s’introduit et nous parle de l’influence que sa grand-mère a eu sur son implication socialeChapter 2 4 mins
Les objectifs d’ Iloubiya, son organisation à but non-lucratif, l’impact de la précarité mensuelle sur les jeunes filles, et l’importance de la sensibilisation sur les règlesChapter 3 7 mins
Ses premières impressions de son arrivée au Québec, comment vivre à Montréal lui a fait réaliser qu’elle avait déjà plusieurs identités culturelles, et l'évolution de son identitéChapter 4 3 mins
Comment elle s’est retrouvée en économie et politique, au lieu de la médecineChapter 5 8 mins
Sur les discussions politiques et sa relation tumultueuse avec le Togo, et le débat si on rentre ou on reste iciChapter 6 7 mins
Son travail en tant que conseillère en crédit, ce qu’elle a appris basé sur son expérience personnelle, et un peu de crédit 101 sur l’usage des cartes de créditChapter 7 9 mins
Sur son amour du vin et de la lecture et comment distinguer entre un vin de consommation et un vin de conservationChapter 8 5 mins
La vision des 5 ans, and conseils à la Lynda d’il y’a 5 ans
#021 - Zuwa on Embracing Our Agency and The Courage to Act Now
This week I have the honour of speaking with Zuwa Ma...
Apr 8 2020 57m
Chapter 1 5 mins
Zuwa introduces himself and explains why he doesn’t define himself by his job or career path anymoreChapter 2 4 mins
How active citizen engagement was modeled through his childhood and how it influenced his profound love of ZimbabweChapter 3 4 mins
How coming to Montreal, and meeting the greater African community, further affected his Pan-Africanism point of viewChapter 4 4 mins
Leadership lessons from running the McGill African Students Society (MASS) and other student activitiesChapter 5 4 mins
Why Zuwa chose policy as his way of serving and the role of the African youthChapter 6 4 mins
On how we can make policy easier to digest for the everyday person, and how Gov-Enhance was created as a resultChapter 7 2 mins
On how to start small where you are: at the county, city, province level; and grow from thereChapter 8 5 mins
How law prepared him for governance and policy, and on his experience working in ChinaChapter 9 1 min
The current Covid-19 crisis, and how it’s a current example of the importance of public policy and trusting our governmentsChapter 10 5 mins
Lessons learned from starting Gov-Enhance Africa, on building teams and running an organizationChapter 11 11 mins
Message to his younger self and what drives him to keep going when times are hard
#020 - CQ on Small Wins and How They Push Us to Greatness
This week I have the honor of speaking with Clarence...
Apr 1 2020 58m
Chapter 1 7 mins
Clarence introduces himself and we share our experience working at Target Canada and launching 120 stores in one yearChapter 2 3 mins
How Clarence learned that Target Canada was closing, and how he approached his next steps: choosing between brand management, management consulting, and internal consultingChapter 3 7 mins
Clarence explains why he chose to do the MBA program that he did, and we compare taking two years off vs. working and studying at the same timeChapter 4 3 mins
On his childhood as a Ghanaian who grew up in Uganda and Kenya, and how he navigates the world with his multiple identitiesChapter 5 5 mins
How his parents influenced the way that Clarence approaches work, and how he plans for the futureChapter 6 9 mins
On how Peppeh Co started, and the importance of finding business partners with complementary skillsChapter 7 6 mins
The vision for the company,where the naming came from, and his favorite part running PeppehChapter 8 1 min
On building relationships, and identifying the right clients at the right timeChapter 9 10 mins
Advice to his younger self and the 5 year plan
#019 - Mo on Cultural Curiosity and Finding Joy in the Unexpected
This week, I'm speaking with Mo, from The More Sib...
Mar 18 2020 1h 8m
Chapter 1 1 min
Mo introduces herself as a Nigerian-born, US-educated, Korean-speaking, and wandering intellectualChapter 2 2 mins
How Mo got into podcasting and how she keeps up the pace with a whooping 93 episodes in 2 yearsChapter 3 5 mins
On her curiosity and how it has led her to speak about important life subjectsChapter 4 5 mins
Her experience arriving in the US and how she had adapt to the education systemChapter 5 10 mins
How her frustration working as a pharmacist in the field, led her to becoming a professorChapter 6 12 mins
The challenges of being a professor and her thoughts on diversityChapter 7 12 mins
How her love of Korean culture begun, and when she started learning the languageChapter 8 6 mins
Why she uses the tagline "for Blacks and Asians and those who love them" for her podcast, as well as lessons learnedChapter 9 9 mins
The 5 year vision and the impact Mo hopes to have in the world :)
#018 - Sophina on Cybersecurity and Empowering Other Young Women
This week I am speaking with Sophina Kio Lawson, a...
Mar 11 2020 48m
Chapter 1 3 mins
Sophina introduces herself, and She Secures, her initiative to empower young women interested in cybersecurityChapter 2 4 mins
How she stumbled into security by following her interests, when she hadn't even used computers beforeChapter 3 4 mins
How she got her first job in cybersecurity, and how that led to other opportunitiesChapter 4 4 mins
How Sophina keeps learning in order to remain on top of where the industry is goingChapter 5 4 mins
On where she gets information and the people who guided her in the fieldChapter 6 2 mins
How being open and honest, not being afraid to say what she wants has led her to todayChapter 7 3 mins
How an initial hackaton meetup She Secures, and the different activities that the organization providesChapter 8 44 sec
A list of the different opportunities that exist in cybersecurityChapter 9 5 mins
The biggest challenges in driving the organization and lessons learnedChapter 10 6 mins
What she's most proud of and her hopes for the next 5 yearsChapter 11 6 mins
Advice to younger people who want to follow a similar path
#017 - Michaella on Three Lessons Learned during The Black and Women's History Months
I hesitated a lot on doing a special episode for B...
Mar 4 2020 28m
Chapter 1 4 mins
Thoughts on the Advancing Women in STEM initiative by Yes Montreal and some of the feedback from the organizations that tried their recommendationsChapter 2 2 mins
My mini rant on white fragility and how as Black people/POC/minorities, we have to be careful on how we talk about diversityChapter 3 59 sec
How do we reach people, and how can we practice more empathy all over the board?Chapter 4 2 mins
Reflecting on the money moves and building wealth in the Black community eventChapter 5 2 mins
The culture of convenience and how we have to make adjustments when we want to support small, Black, local businessesChapter 6 2 mins
On Black professionals in tech, and the story of how I "accidently" became a diversity and inclusion ambassadorChapter 7 2 mins
Our roles as internal change agents in the companies that we work for, and why I strongly believe in recommending other Black peopleChapter 8 1 min
How being part of a network gives me access to funds and resources, as we had discussed in Fabiola 's episodeChapter 9 1 min
What is your personal brand, and does it align with your goals?Chapter 10 2 mins
How can we recognize our privilege, and how we can each do our part to help the next person?Chapter 11 4 mins
Where can you have the most impact with the resources that you have, and where do you find the most fufillment?
#016 - Reine Kizy sur Les Moments Qui Nous Font Pivoter
Cette semaine, je parle avec Reine Kizy qui a récemm...
Feb 26 2020 41m
Chapter 1 1 min
Reine s'introduit et nous parle un peu de son expérience de vieChapter 2 2 mins
Le déclic qui l'a motivé à vouloir se lancer dans la planification d'évènements, d'un hobby à une entrepriseChapter 3 3 mins
Sur ce qui la passionne le plus dans ce travailChapter 4 4 mins
La quête de l'équilibre dans sa vie entre la famille et l'entrepriseChapter 5 4 mins
Sa passion pour l'autonomisation des femmes (women empowerment) et l'indépendance financièreChapter 6 9 mins
L'histoire du jeune homme qui lui a fait repenser ce qu'elle faisait de sa vieChapter 7 3 mins
La vision des 5 ans et comment ça va lui donner plus de flexibilitéChapter 8 2 mins
Leçons apprises sur la comparaison et comment cela sème le douteChapter 9 2 mins
Comment elle se motive pour continue à pousser quand les temps sont dursChapter 10 6 mins
Sur les sports extrêmes et comment ils vous poussent à vous défier mentalement
#015 - Naomi on Finding Your Why & Being of Service
Helloooo beautiful people! This week I am speaking w...
Feb 19 2020 1h 3m
Chapter 1 3 mins
Naomi introduces herself, and the work that she's been doingChapter 2 3 mins
On how she developed such a clear vision of her lifeChapter 3 7 mins
The turning point that made Naomi want to delve deeper into her Ethiopian cultureChapter 4 2 mins
How Find Your Tribe was started out of a need to build a community of young professionals, and how she met Samukele Ncube, her co-founderChapter 5 10 mins
On the different ways you can pivot your work, and how that led to InclusivelyChapter 6 9 mins
On the Power of Why Podcast and what led Naomi to start itChapter 7 7 mins
On patience and how we can both practice it betterChapter 8 4 mins
What Naomi enjoys, how she learned to interview, and ask the hard questionsChapter 9 4 mins
Naomi's '5-year plan' and how she realizes it will depend on the systems and habits that she has in placeChapter 10 6 mins
Advice to her younger self
#014 - Imanzi on Becoming a Servant Leader
In this week's episode, we are speaking with Imanzi ...
Feb 12 2020 1h 17m
Chapter 1 2 mins
Imanzi introduces himself, his background, and how he started being involved in the communityChapter 2 2 mins
Advice to his younger self and others, as well as his plans for the next couple of yearsChapter 3 5 mins
Why politics are important, and the value in being involved and navigating these spacesChapter 4 7 mins
How Imanzi started his career in government and how he kept discovering and growing throughout the yearsChapter 5 8 mins
On joining non profit boards, and what he is learning from themChapter 6 9 mins
How Imanzi's parents' involvement in the Rwandan community led to his own involvementChapter 7 6 mins
His work with the Casa Foundation Friends of Africa Economic Development Summit, and how that's a way of contributing to the African continentChapter 8 8 mins
My awkward question on how Imanzi identifies as Rwandan-Canadian and how he embraces bothChapter 9 3 mins
How I'm learning to be Canadian and Imanzi reassuring me that all is well (lol)Chapter 10 19 mins
What keeps him motivated to keep pushing in his endeavours
#013 - Umuruta sur Son Parcours et La Quête de Soi
Bonjour tout le monde :D
Ma petite pause est déjà t...
Feb 5 2020 42m
Chapter 1 3 mins
Sandra s'introduit et nous parle de ses débuts en musiqueChapter 2 3 mins
Le déclic et quand elle a décidé de recommencer à chanterChapter 3 2 mins
Le choix d' Umuruta comme son nom d'artisteChapter 4 2 mins
Ses premiers cours de chants et comment cela l'a aidé à avoir confiance en son talentChapter 5 3 mins
Umuruta nous partage l'expérience de son premier concert et le début de sa collaboration avec Aly KeitaChapter 6 3 mins
La vision derrière " D'est en Ouest: Partitions d'Afrique"Chapter 7 2 mins
Comment ils choisissent leur répertoire et la musique qu'ils interprètentChapter 8 2 mins
L'idée derrière le Volume II, le spectacle du 14 Février 2020: Voies féministes D'Est en Ouest: Partitions d'Afrique (vol.II)Chapter 9 6 mins
Ce que Sandra a appris au cours de la dernière année et les belles surprises de cette expérienceChapter 10 10 mins
La vision des 5 ans et leçons apprises :)
#012 - Sarah Somian on Living a Slow Life with Intention
Happy New Year!
I cannot believe that we’re in 202...
Jan 1 2020 1h 2m
Chapter 1 1 min
Sarah introduces herself and her many interestsChapter 2 10 mins
How Sarah got into food from wanting to initially be an OBGYN, public health, and studying psychology rather than medicineChapter 3 3 mins
How we have learned to take life’s challenges to learn the lessons within themChapter 4 5 mins
On realizing that nutrition could be the main hustle rather than the fun projectChapter 5 12 mins
Why Michaella cares so much about people do, and how they feel in what they doChapter 6 12 mins
The moment that made Sarah realize it was time to move on, and how she approached itChapter 7 13 mins
How we can settle intentions that are more flexible and make room for the magic to happen
#011 - Akpe Sur l’Importance de Parler Avec d’Autres Personnes Pour Nous Guider - Part 2
La semaine dernière dans la première partie, Akpe et...
Dec 18 2019 50m
Chapter 1 7 mins
Comment Akpe a approché une négociatrice qui l’avait impressionnéeChapter 2 5 mins
Doit-on toujours faire un suivi quand on rencontre de nouvelles personnes? Comment peut-on faire pour créer des connexions authentiques?Chapter 3 9 mins
Akpe explique comment elle a eu son role, et ce qu’elle fait en tant que consultante en environnementChapter 4 3 mins
Ce qu’elle trouve dur dans son domaine, et ce qui la motiveChapter 5 4 mins
La perte d’une amie lui a fait réalisé que la vie est courte, et qu’il ne fallait pas hésité dans nos projets, d’où son nouveau blogChapter 6 10 mins
Conseils pour les personnes intéressées en droit et en environnementChapter 7 8 mins
Nos ambitions pour les prochaines 5 années
#010 - Akpe sur son parcours: des études de droit au conseil en environnement, et la quête d’identité
Cette semaine, je parle avec Akpedze Komassi, et ell...
Dec 11 2019 44m
Chapter 1 4 mins
Akpe s’introduit et nous parle de son profil: sa formation en droit, son travail en environnement, et comment elle combine les deuxChapter 2 5 mins
On partage nos premières expériences au Canada, le choix de langues d'instruction, et le choc culturelChapter 3 6 mins
La quête de l'identité et une discussion sur nos relations avec nos communautés d'origineChapter 4 5 mins
Comment Akpe a commencé à chercher des personnes qui avaient étudié le droit, mais faisaient d'autres métiers, et comment cela l’a emmenée à commencer à écrire des articlesChapter 5 7 mins
La pression des diplômes professionnels, et comment ils nous poussent vers des chemins prédéfinisChapter 6 1 min
Comment je me suis auto-sabotée pour dire que j’avais essayé alors que je savais pas que ce n'était pas la bonne voieChapter 7 4 mins
Le déclic qui l’a poussée à se décider et à retourner à l’école pour des études en environnement, et sa participation dans la COP22 (Conférence de Paris sur le climat)Chapter 8 9 mins
Où Akpe trouve la confiance d’écrire et de contribuer sur les questions d’environnement en Afrique, à partir de Montréal
#009 - Moses on How Following Your Heart Continuously Builds into Something Greater
On this episode I speak with Moses Gashirabake. Mose...
Dec 4 2019 52m
Chapter 1 4 mins
How his experience growing up as a refugee in Kenya influenced his career choice as a lawyer, and his realization that a law degree is a toolChapter 2 4 mins
The need to share and open up a dialogue, and why following your heart is still the way to goChapter 3 6 mins
We talk about business law, philanthropy law and what they actually entail. Then what he loves, and finds challenging about his workChapter 4 9 mins
Moses tells us how he got involved in Canadian community work, and how small actions add up when you do the work you are interested inChapter 5 7 mins
The work of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, and how it started with the Japanese CommunityChapter 6 5 mins
How the International Rwanda Youth for Development (IRYD) came about after a visit to RwandaChapter 7 10 mins
Words of advice and lessons learned from 'failures'
#008 - Hiko Sur Le Fait Que Le Partage d’Expériences Peut Résoudre (presque) Tout Les Problèmes
Bienvenue à notre premier épisode en Français!!! Où ...
Nov 27 2019 53m
Chapter 1 5 mins
Hiko nous parle de son parcours pour arriver jusqu’a Montréal, et comment elle a géré le changement de son programme universitaireChapter 2 10 mins
Comment HibisKo a commencé tout doucement durant ses étudesChapter 3 3 mins
Comment Hiko à su saisir une opportunité pour pouvoir se lancer à temps pleinChapter 4 5 mins
La direction vers les incubateurs pour lui donner les informations qui lui manquaient, et comment elle les a trouvésChapter 5 2 mins
La définition d’un incubateur et comment ils peuvent nous aider dans nos projetsChapter 6 5 mins
Le besoin de clarifier le “pourquoi” d’Hibisko et la vision redéfinieChapter 7 2 mins
L’ expérience qui a été le catalyseur de toute la visionChapter 8 4 mins
Ce a quoi elle s’attendait le moins, et comment elle a apprit à gérer çaChapter 9 5 mins
Conseils pour les entrepreneurs qui viennent de commencer, et l’Hiko d’il y’a 5 ansChapter 10 6 mins
Où on peut trouver les produits HibisKo et son produit favori
#007 - Fiona on Growing Anaya Arts Organically by Listening
In today’s episode, I speak with Fiona, the founder ...
Nov 20 2019 59m
Chapter 1 6 mins
Fiona talks about her childhood, being Kenyan and growing up in Ivory Coast, and how her mother sees the beauty in winterChapter 2 7 mins
How Fiona started by doodling and the people that encouraged her growth into Anaya ArtsChapter 3 8 mins
The day that Fiona realized Anaya Arts could become a business, and the steps that she took to further develop it by listening to the feedbackChapter 4 1 min
Fiona shares a tip on how you can figure out what your passion isChapter 5 10 mins
What she’s most excited about, as well as how she tackles the challenges that comeChapter 6 17 mins
Where Fiona gets her inspiration from, and advice she would give to other aspiring artistsChapter 7 5 mins
We share last words and our goals for the next coming months
#006 – Fabiola on Recognizing Important Moments and Leveraging Them to Build – Part 2
In Part 1 last week, we spoke about who Fabiola was,...
Nov 13 2019 42m
Chapter 1 8 mins
Fabiola explains what it means to be an organizational health consultant, what she does in her day to day, and how it helps her reassess her lifeChapter 2 2 mins
How managing the finances of her organization impacted her own relationship with moneyChapter 3 3 mins
Living with dyslexia has made her realize we all learn differently, and that she’s not bad with mathChapter 4 4 mins
Her work with youth boards, and how we can leverage the resources of larger organizations to achieve our community goalsChapter 5 6 mins
On the importance of us being involved in all types of spaces, and recognizing that we bring a lot of valueChapter 6 4 mins
Advice and lessons learnedChapter 7 11 mins
Fabiola’s 5 year vision including art and creativity, and how we both made a plan for Year 31
#005 - Fabiola on Recognizing Important Moments and Leveraging Them to Build - Part 1
On this episode, I speak with Fabiola Mizero and we ...
Nov 6 2019 45m
Chapter 1 3 mins
Fabiola introduces herself, the countries she's lived in, the different activities that she is involved in from fundraising to consulting and why she calls herself an activistChapter 2 5 mins
How a spark was ignited once Fabiola helped at an event, and started wondering what else she could be doingChapter 3 5 mins
How the African Student Association at Université de Montreal was created as a response to an incident on campus, and the lack of a safe spaceChapter 4 5 mins
How the student activities that Fabiola was involved in led to her getting the jobs she didChapter 5 8 mins
On unpaid internships and how they disqualify people immediately, and on the importance of building a network through activitiesChapter 6 3 mins
On the importance of mentorship, and how Fabiola grew her relationships organicallyChapter 7 10 mins
How Imposter Syndrome and Dyslexia led to moments of doubt, and how Fabiola works to overcome them
#004 - Kiga on the Art of Mastering Storytelling
In this episode, I'm speaking with Landry Kigabiro, ...
Oct 30 2019 42m
Chapter 1 8 mins
Kiga introduces himself, when he knew he wanted to be a DJ, and why he DJsChapter 2 9 mins
The shift into producing to expand his vision and his artistry through Kuruza, and the difference between a beatmaker, a producer, and an executive producerChapter 3 2 mins
Advice to other artists on how they can differentiate themselves from othersChapter 4 4 mins
On mastering the art of storytelling, and how that led to the creation of a clothing lineChapter 5 2 mins
How him wanting to be a great father, influences how he approaches life todayChapter 6 3 mins
How he finds inspiration when he is stuck, and his goals for the next couple of yearsChapter 7 6 mins
Mots de la fin, lessons learned and additional advice: May we all be free and find peace!
#003 - Gisele on How & Why We Need More Black People in Tech - Part 2
Last week in Part 1, Gisele told us about how she go...
Oct 23 2019 33m
Chapter 1 3 mins
Gisele goes on to talk about having diversity as the core of your company and how hiring people in your network can become a constraint to hiring diverse teamsChapter 2 2 mins
Stepping out to create a community of hackatons in Europe as a Black womanChapter 3 12 mins
On the need for us to be present in these spaces, including conferences whether we are creating them or joining existing onesChapter 4 7 mins
Recommendations on how to get involved in the tech space, i.e. challenge-driven hackathonsChapter 5 2 mins
Technology is a tool to resolve problems, everybody can therefore build a tech company!
#002 - Gisele on How Technology Can Help Change the World - Part 1
On this episode I speak with Gisele Karekezi, one of...
Oct 17 2019 41m
Chapter 1 4 mins
Gisele's initial interest in science and how the Obama election influenced her views on politics and media representationChapter 2 4 mins
How she kinda fell into a hackathon to organizing the largest wearables and IoT (internet of things) hackathonChapter 3 1 min
We talk about how you can be in the tech world, without being a software engineer, and how access to information is everything!Chapter 4 6 mins
The importance of having a digital footprint, owning your story, and reaching your audience digitallyChapter 5 3 mins
How she transitioned from organizing a hackathon into doing it full-time, and how volunteering can help you build your brand and expand your networkChapter 6 2 mins
Your passport mattersChapter 7 2 mins
Working for early stage startups gives you agency and you can see how your decisions impact the organization directlyChapter 8 5 mins
What motivates and drives her, and how we can take it and try to apply it to an "African" contextChapter 9 6 mins
On the importance of having people say our last names and some of the challenges that Gisele has experienced in the space
#001 - Intro: Why I started Jase avec Moi
Hello everyone,
Jase avec Moi means Chat with Me in...
Oct 15 2019 2m